Uncovering the Galapagos Islands

An active volcano, fuming; lava crawling down its slope—it’s something of wide-angle cinematic scenes or bed-time stories; surreal, but tangible. Taking a trip to Galapagos Islands’ Sierra Negra Volcano, one comes to realize the marvel of peering up to something so gargantuan, and of such reserved force. As with most locations of such mystique, reaching Sierra Negra is much easier said than done, even residents and visitors of the Galapagos are sent through a grueling process just to experience the volcano.



While on could always spare the hassle and expense involved with visiting Sierra Negra by taking a Galapagos Islands tour, making it there on your own is still realistic and similar to piecing together a puzzle. Departing from the Galapagos Capital of San Cristibal Island, one can either take a 35 minute jaunt by plane to the island of Isabela, or traverse the ocean in a speed boat which could end up affording 3 hours that would otherwise be spent at the volcano. Once you arrive, a 45 minute cab ride will deliver you to the base of Sierra Negra, and a horse-ride around the caldera will bring you to black and red fields of moltenous land, an area where horses can not tread, and must be addressed on foot. Beyond, you will be taken to other, radically different volcanic cones and terrains that should be left up to only your imagination and experience.

~ by galapagoscruises on February 5, 2009.

One Response to “Uncovering the Galapagos Islands”

  1. Too nice place to visit. Am so much eager to visit Islands

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